Soul Prompts

Writing from the Soul

Soul-prompting is a writing and stillness practice I developed that gives you quick access to your inner wisdom. I have seen it help unblock outlets to creativity, and tap into parts of yourself–ideas, truths, stories–you didn’t know you had.

Each week, you will have a mini-video delivered to your inbox that includes your soul-prompt for that week: a meditation, a brief reading, music, exercises, and stories about my own work. Then you will be given a prompt and guided to begin your writing assignment that you submit to me by the end of the week for feedback, sharing, and input.

In just a couple months, you can transform your writing practice to one that is delicious, flowing, nourishing, and sustainable.

Often writers get caught up in how they think they should sound or what they are supposed to write about and how it should look.

Soul-prompting is nothing like that.

It is everything about tapping into your own creativity and what that looks like for you … how it reveals itself … and how it shows up … in your world.

As a writer, editor, and life coach, I can show you how to tame even the gnarliest fears and resistance, and help you cultivate the stillness where words are born.

When we  have a regular stillness practice in our lives—whether it is through meditation, deep breathing, or stopping to watch a child play and taking in the moment—we bring that skill to our writing practice. Stillness helps our brains get out of fight or flight and puts us in a state of rest and digest, of relaxation and wellness, where we can access our creative minds and our essential selves, and literally write from the soul.

For only $89 a month, you get:

– weekly videos sent directly to your inbox
– meditations to help you access the stillness already present but that you may be avoiding without a little prompting
– passages from some of the most beautiful and goose-bump causing writers to keep you company and inspire
– mind-body tools that allow you to sink into your own wisdom and let the words start flowing
– relaxation exercises to quiet the mind and tame the lizard
– tips for overcoming resistance
– weekly mini-sessions with me to talk about discuss your work, your process, your obstacles, and your progress
– feedback and input on your work each week

Contact me and see what your soul’s been wanting to tell you!